
最近把项目中的 sequelize 由 4.38.0 升级到了 5.8.7,以下是升级记录

本文地址: https://blog.zhequtao.com/post/sequelize-upgrade/

# 01 删包

从 package.json 中删掉 sequelize 以及 @types/sequelize

# 02 过文档

大致过一遍官方升级文档 http://docs.sequelizejs.com/manual/upgrade-to-v5.html

# 03 npm install

由于官方提供了 typescript 的支持,不需要在安装 @types/sequelize

npm install sequelize

# 04 tsc

由于使用了 typescript 编译,解决问题。

$ tsc
Found 1361 errors.

# 05 new Sequelize

从数据库初始化入手,解决一些 Sequelize 实例化时的类型问题

# 06 AnyModel & AnyPropModel & Sequelize.define

由于 sequelizetype 此时由官方维护,重新定义了 Model 等类型。

虽然目前官方已经支持了对 Model 的 typescript 支持,但是为了更小幅度的升级,仍然使用 Sequelize.define

以后将 AnyPropModel 逐渐替换为 UserModel 等真实的 Model。

根据文档,对 Model 以及 Sequelize.define 做以下更改。

class AnyPropModel extends Model {
  [key: string]: any;

export type AnyModel = typeof Model & {
  new (values?: any, options?: BuildOptions): AnyPropModel;

export type Models = Record<string, AnyModel>;

const UserModel = <AnyModel>sequelize.define('MyDefineModel', {
  id: {
    primaryKey: true,
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER.UNSIGNED,


$ tsc
Found 898 errors.

# 07 归并与分类,逐个击破

对 typescript 编译出来的错误信息进行格式化并做统计,以下为格式化数据,抽出 { file, code, message }

本来也想抽出 lines,没有成功...

$ tsc | grep 'error TS' | jq -R -c -s 'split("\n") | map(capture("(?<file>.+): error (?<code>.+): (?<message>.+)")) | .[]' > build.jsonl
$ head -3 build.jsonl
{"file":"bin/demo.ts(278,23)","code":"TS2351","message":"Cannot use 'new' with an expression whose type lacks a call or construct signature."}
{"file":"src/helpers/one.ts(36,23)","code":"TS2576","message":"Property 'literal' is a static member of type 'Sequelize'"}
{"file":"src/helpers/two.ts(188,24)","code":"TS2576","message":"Property 'fn' is a static member of type 'Sequelize'"}

根据格式化信息,对相同 code 的错误进行分类,先解决错误率最高的五类

$ cat build.jsonl | jq -s 'group_by(.code) | map({count: length, code: .[0].code, message: .[0].message}) | sort_by(.count) | .[]'
  "count": 41,
  "code": "TS6133",
  "message": "'DataTypes' is declared but its value is never read."
  "count": 53,
  "code": "TS2339",
  "message": "Property 'id' does not exist on type 'object'."
  "count": 82,
  "code": "TS2709",
  "message": "Cannot use namespace 'DataTypes' as a type."
  "count": 94,
  "code": "TS7006",
  "message": "Parameter 'e' implicitly has an 'any' type."
  "count": 142,
  "code": "TS2576",
  "message": "Property 'col' is a static member of type 'Sequelize'"
  "count": 335,
  "code": "TS2531",
  "message": "Object is possibly 'null'."

# 08 TS2576: Sequelize.prototype -> Sequelize

"Property 'col' is a static member of type 'Sequelize'"
"Property 'literal' is a static member of type 'Sequelize'"
"Property 'or' is a static member of type 'Sequelize'"

根据文档 http://docs.sequelizejs.com/manual/upgrade-to-v5.html#sequelize

Sequelize 示例上的很多方法变成了 static method.

借助 VS Code 与其内置的命令行工具,输入命令 tsc | grep 2576 可以更快解决问题:

  1. tsc | grep 2576 提供所有的此类问题与行号
  2. VS Code 可以根据行号快速定位


# 09 TS2339 Model 的废弃方法

Property 'findById' does not exist on type 'AnyModel'.
Property 'find' does not exist on type 'AnyModel'.
Property 'id' does not exist on type 'AnyPropModel | null'.
Property 'LOCK' does not exist on type 'Transaction'.

这个在升级文档中也提到过 http://docs.sequelizejs.com/manual/upgrade-to-v5.html#model


Found 753 errors.

# 10 TS2531 Object is possibly 'null'

$ tsc | grep 2531 | wc


我们总是在不停地解决 Bug 的过程中引入新的 Bug。在解决旧 Bug 的过程中总有产生新 Bug 的风险

findById 更改之后有更多的问题显现出来,是因为没有对返回的数据做不存在断言处理,如下例所示

const user = await models.user.findOne()
// 此时 user 可能不存在,可能报错
const id = user.id


使用 rejectOnEmpty 来修正它,他能保证数据一定存在

const user = await models.User.findOne({
  rejectOnEmpty: true


  1. tsc | grep 2531 提供所有的此类问题与行号
  2. VS Code 根据行号快速定位
  3. gd vim 的 Go to Def 可以快速定位到出问题的变量定义处
  4. "0p 使用 vim 把 rejectOnEmpty 至于0号寄存器,快速粘贴
  5. == vim 进行格式化


Found 335 errors.

# 11 migration

TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'DataTypes' as a type

这都是在 migration 文件中的内容,既然数据库迁移脚本已经执行过了,它其实也没多大用处了,我觉得不改也可以了...

另外,migration 这种数据库迁移脚本是不是可以单独从项目中抽出来,有两个原因

  1. 它是一次性脚本
  2. 一个数据库有可能对应多个后端应用
import { QueryInterface, DataTypes } from 'sequelize'

export const up = async function (queryInterface: QueryInterface, Sequelize: DataTypes) {



Sequelize: DataTypes -> sequelize: typeof Sequelize

Found 216 errors.

# 12 implicitly any

TS7006 Parameter 'item' implicitly has an 'any' type.


Found 185 errors.

# 13 使用 sed 批量替换 Op

// 替换前
where.count = { $lte: 10 }
where.count['$lte'] = 10
where.count.$lte = 10

// 替换后
where.count = { [Op.lte]: 10 }
where.count[Op.lte] = 10
where.count[Op.lte] = 10

写一段 sed 脚本来批量替换


Found 412 errors.

# 14 补充 Op

以上错误的原因过多是因为批量替换成 Op 后提示 Op 不存在

import { Op } from 'sequelize'

# 15 再次统计

$ tsc | grep 'error TS' | jq -R -s 'split("\n") | map(capture("(?<file>.+): error (?<code>.+): (?<message>.+)")) | group_by(.code) | map({count: length, code: .[0].code, message: .[0].message}) | sort_by(.count) | .[]'

  "count": 12,
  "code": "TS2684",
  "message": "The 'this' context of type 'typeof Model' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type '(new () => Model<{}, {}>) & typeof Model'."
  "count": 14,
  "code": "TS2322",
  "message": "Type 'true' is not assignable to type 'false'."
  "count": 18,
  "code": "TS2694",
  "message": "Namespace '\"/Users/shanyue/backend/node_modules/sequelize/types/index\"' has no exported member 'AnyFindOptions'."
  "count": 20,
  "code": "TS2532",
  "message": "Object is possibly 'undefined'."
  "count": 118,
  "code": "TS2304",
  "message": "Cannot find name 'Op'."


# 16 git diff


$ git diff master --shortstat
 199 files changed, 1784 insertions(+), 1411 deletions(-)

# 17 运行时问题: postgres range


这次碰到的是 postgres 的 range 这个数据类型

// 更改前
[0, 100]

// 更改后
  value: 0,
  inclusive: false
}, {
  value: 100,
  inclusive: true

但是如果对数据库的每个 Model 都加上 type 的话,这个问题就可以在编译时解决

# 18 运行时问题: undefined in where

在 where 中遇到 undefined 会抛出异常。https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/pull/9548/files

使用 _.pickBy 过滤掉 undefined

const where = _.pickBy(data, x => x !== undefined)

当然,如果 typescript 做的比较严格的话,这个问题也可以避免

# 19 运行时问题: _.assign({ [Op.ne]: 3 })

_.assign 会丢失 Symbol 属性,使用 Object.assign 代替



上次更新: 7/20/2020, 2:09:44 AM